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Dongqing Secret Hideout

This little slice of heaven hidden in among the coral reefs by the coast is a natural swimming pool for people of all ages during high tide. The tidal water colored by the azure sky and sunlight form the hottest destination for today's influencers - #Dongqing Secret Hideout

Hush! Since this is a secret hideout, let me tell you how to get there, but don't tell anyone else!

Travel along the round-the-island highway, find #Iranmeylek33. On the left-hand side of the building is a small road leading to the sea. On the left-hand side of the small road is an entire row of pigpens. Go to the end of the small road, you will see “Da Yong Brunch”, continue to the gravel road on the right until you reach the end of the road. Walk in the direction of the reef to arrive at the destination in about 3-5 minutes! I can't describe it too clearly because it is a secret hideout. Besides, I've already made it very clear...
