You are currently viewing 預訂取消方式與條款


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  • Post category:最新消息
  • Post last modified:May 31, 2023

1. 住宿取消條款與細則

(1) 預定住宿日前第十四日以前告知,得退還定金百分之百。
(2) 預定住宿日前第十日至第十三日告知,得退還定金百分之七十。
(3) 預定住宿日前第七日至第九日告知,得退還定金百分之五十。
(4) 預定住宿日前第第四日至第六日告知,得請求業者退還定金百分之四十。
(5) 預定住宿日前第二日至第三日告知,得退還定金百分之三十。
(6) 預定住宿日前第一日告知,得退還定金百分之二十。 於預定住宿日取消預訂或未為通知者,業者得不退還定金。



4.飛往蘭嶼班機為19人座迷你小飛機,如欲風速超限即取消,年取消率高達50-60% ; 如您屬意搭乘飛機前往蘭嶼,請務必了解,如當日飛機停飛但船班無停駛(免費取消依船班動態為準),訂金將不另做退還,需改搭船班;預訂交通方式前請三思。


2. 船票取消條款與細則


If the reservation is canceled 0-7 days of the date of departure, the deposit will not be refunded; if the reservation is canceled within 8-14 days, 15% of the deposit will be refunded; if the reservation is canceled within 15-21 days, 50% of the deposit will be refunded; if the reservation is canceled within 22-31 days, 75% of the deposit will be refunded; if the cancellation is made before 32 days, the deposit will be refunded in full. (The remittance fee will be deducted from the refund).


(1) 出發前 0-3日(含)取消訂位者,訂金不予退還,可延期至當年度9月底前使用,扣單筆訂單總額10%改票手續處理費。
(2) 出發前 4-28日內(含)取消訂位者,扣單筆訂單總額10%改票手續處理費。
(3) 出發前29日內取消訂位者,扣單筆訂單NT$100退票手續處理費。

1. If the reservation is canceled within 7 days of the date of departure, a service charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of the return ticket will be deducted per person.
2. If the ticket is changed to a single ticket within 7 days of the date of departure (including on-site registration), a service charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of the return ticket will be deducted.
3. The deposit will not be refunded if the number of passengers registering on-site is decreased on the day of departure.